Q: What is the meaning of →
in the second line of the code below?
Π : (A : Set) → (B : A → Set) → Set
Π A B = (a : A) → B a
A: →
is a type constructor in the second line. Thus, Π
is a function that returns a type (Set
in Agda),
which happens to be a functional type. This is called type-level programming.
Q: But then what is λ (a : A) → B a
A: The meaning of →
is different now.
That is a function that takes an a
(of type A
) and returns B a
. In other word, it is just B
(It could have been written λ (a : A) . B a
like in logic/lambda calculus to avoid overloading →
but there is never ambiguity thanks to the λ